When you wrote an offer to purchase your prospective home, you more than likely had a few safety nets put into action should the deal go sour. These safety nets are known as contingencies and are considered normal buyer protection in our purchase agreements.
The most common contingencies are to:
- See all disclosures from the seller
- Inspect the property
- Obtain acceptable financing for the property
- Have the property appraise at a value equal to or greater than the purchase price
There does come a time in the transaction, usually after the 17th day, that the buyer will need to be ready to remove all of these contingencies of sale. We call this the "release of contingencies" and usually send the buyer a form to be signed stating that they are satisfied with respect to all of the above conditions, are electing to proceed with the transaction, and realize that backing out or failing to close escrow from this point forward could lead to the forfeiture of their deposit.
After the contingency release is complete, a buyer is starting to turn the home stretch toward owning this new piece of real estate. And while the remaining length of track may be short, it is the stretch where most deals are either made or broken. We'll do everything we can to make sure you are able to make it across the finish line with your new home.
Look for our next article on insurance for the first thing we can do to get you there.
Wow, this really makes me feel a lot better about the hoem buying process. Thanks for taking the time to post this
No problem Sara. Thanks for reading
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